3.SCI.3 Balloon Race Investigation

  • Due No due date
  • Points 6
  • Questions 6
  • Time Limit None


Today  you are going to investigate  Motion and Forces while  racing balloons.

Resources Links to an external site.

Materials :

‣ 25-foot lengths of twine (smoother is better like narrow gauge nylon or other synthetic fiber, avoid yarn)

‣  2 Balloons per person (and extras in case they get holes)

‣  2 Drinking straws

‣  Tape

‣  4 Stands or stationery objects like chairs to tie the string on

Teacher Set-up
1. Place the two stands approximately four feet away from 
the other two stands and label them “Stand A” and “Stand B”.

2.Tie the ends of the string to each stand.

3.Lace the strings through the straws.

4.Tie the other ends of the strings to the remaining stands so that the set-up looks like this:

Balloon Race Set-up

Student Instructions:
1. Blow up two balloons (1 large and 1 small). Do not tie the 
balloons; just hold them shut.
2. Tape each balloon to a straw that is on the string so that 
it looks like this:

Balloon Race Students

3.Let a little air out of one of the balloons so that it is smaller.

4.Pull the straws that are on the strings all the way to Stand A.

5.Count down and at the same time let go of your balloons. Have a race to see which balloon gets to the end first.

6.Do this again, but switch who gets to have the larger balloon.

7.Record your results on the recording sheet below .


Are you ready to begin your investigation? LET'S GO!

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